Friday, March 6, 2009

Not alone in a crowded room

So it's been a few weeks since I have updated this... a lot of things have been going on around campus.. keeping me busy. Next week is midterms and with midterms also comes some projects that I need to keep working on, so this weekend promises to hold a lot of homework time... although I would love to be spending that time with the community that I have developed over the years. I have been reminded a lot within the past couple of weeks about the value of community, especially here on campus. Everyone from work supervisors, professors, mailroom workers, cafeteria workers care about me... that's not even to mention close friends in Alive group, Student Council, church and other things I am involved in... I am so blessed by the friendships that I have formed over the years. As I prepare for this summer, I am even more thankful for them because they, along with my family, have shaped me into who I am today. Thank you very much for your love and dedication to challenge and encourage me to seek God's best for my life. Praise God for community.