Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Prayer Calendar- DR 2010

Below you will find the prayer calendar for our team... thank you for your love and support...
Dominican Republic Trip 2010: Prayer Calendar
Thank you for committing to pray for our team over the week that we will be in the Dominican Republic partnering with Orphanage Outreach (March 27- April 3). You are truly a blessing! This trip would not be possible without you.

Day 1: March 27th (Saturday)
 Most of us will be leaving from Nashville at 6:15am. We will then meet Lucy and Brianna (who leave from Knoxville at 8:40am) in Miami and we will be flying into Santiago, Dominican Republic by 1:35pm. Please pray that plane schedules run on time, safety in the air and that all of our luggage reaches Santiago.
Day 2: March 28th (Sunday)
 Today we will be going to church with the children as well as planning for the week’s upcoming VBS. We will be blending our preparation with the efforts of the other volunteers that we will be working with this week. Please pray for patience, wisdom, flexibility and creativity in this process. Please pray also that we are able to adjust to the new routine of a new place. Please pray for the new friendships that will be forming with the other volunteers that we would all work towards a mutual goal of serving Christ this week.
 Please pray for Lucy Hayes. She asks that you bring the following prayer requests before our Lord.
o Safety traveling there and back and while we are there
o Ability to make a difference and serve to the best of my ability
o The energy and strength to keep up with all the kids!
Day 3: March 29th (Monday)
 Today we will begin our first day at the VBS site. Please pray for flexibility and patience as we figure out the routine of the VBS. Please pray that we would begin to form friendships with the children that we are going to be serving all week. Pray that they would understand the love of Christ through our lessons and through our example.
 Please pray for Brianna Lamke. She asks that you bring the following prayer requests before our Lord.
o Emotional preparation in being away from home
o Having strength to not get too attached to the children
o This is a bigger step for me as far as mission trips so I’m a little anxious, especially for travels there and not having my parents there to send me off.
Day 4: March 30th (Tuesday)
 Today will be the second day of VBS. Please pray for wisdom, clarity, patience and flexibility as we continue to get in the grove of VBS. Pray that we continue to develop friendships with the children, conveying the love of Christ.
 Please pray for Nikki Votaw. She asks that you bring the following prayer requests before our Lord.
o Language barrier
o Pray that I step out of my comfort zone and feel at ease in this new environment
o Acclimation to new routine; being able to sleep, stay healthy, have energy
Day 5: March 31st (Wednesday)
 Today we will be our third day at VBS. Pray for continued stamina as we continue to work hard to present an effective lesson, but also for patience and flexibility when working with the children. Wednesdays are often the days that the students are most “antsy”, so pray for patience with the students that we would convey the love of Christ through our response and actions. Also pray for the continued friendships forming with the children at the orphanage that we would be a source of encouragement and vessels to share God’s love with those around us. Also pray for continued health for our team as we are in the middle of the week.
 Please pray for Caleb Trimble. He asks that you would bring the following prayer concerns to the throne of our Lord.
o Our team would remain strong and yet flexible
o We would continually show Christ in our actions and in our speech
o It would be an uplifting week for the staff at the Orphanage
o We would remember that we are working a small part of a huge Kingdom and mission.
Day 6: April 1st (Thursday)
 Today will be our last day working at VBS. Please pray that we will be able to clearly communicate the lessons, but also take time to send loud the message that these students are loved by the Savior of the world. Please pray also that we would be able to spend quality time with those children that we have formed friendships with, but in a way that would be most beneficial for the children. That the children would remember Christ’s love after we are gone.
 Please pray for Melissa Swartzentruber. She asks that you bring the following prayer concerns to the throne of our Lord.
o Communication with the kids in the English class with the language barrier
o That the Holy Spirit would guide us into conversations where we can share the love of Jesus with the kids there.
Day 7: April 2nd (Friday)
 Today we will spend the day touring Monte Cristi, a town in the Northwest corner of the Dominican Republic. Please pray that this day will afford ample opportunities for reflection and conversation that would help to digest the work that was accomplished and the relationships that were built this past week. Pray that God would instill in each team member the reason for their calling to this trip and what the “take homes” are from this trip.
 Please pray for Monica Swartzentruber. She asks that you bring the following prayer concerns to the throne of our Lord.
o Wisdom and guidance in leading the team down to the Dominican Republic. Wisdom in making decisions throughout the week and guidance to know what would be the wisest thing to do.
o That I would focus on relationships and spreading the love of Christ in service to His kids.
o Comfort as I see and reconnect with the children that I met this past summer. Pray that I would continue to convey the love of Christ to each one. Also pray that leaving on Saturday would be smooth and that I would remember the sweet memories that I have with those children.
Day 8: April 3rd (Saturday)
 Today we will be flying out of Santiago. Caleb will be on the 8am flight out of Santiago and the rest of us will be leaving out of Santiago at 3:00pm. Pray for safety traveling to the airport as well as safety as we all fly back to the United States. Brianna and Lucy will land in Knoxville by 11pm and the rest of us will be landing in Nashville by midnight. Pray that we would be safe traveling back to our final destinations and that we would be able to take time to reflect on the week that we have just been a part of.

The final stretch

Again I am sorry for not updated as frequently as I should... I really do appreciate all of your prayers and support throughout this whole process of preparation and I ask that you would continue to keep us in your prayers. Our team met yesterday to talk about some final details and it is continually setting in that I will be returning before I know it. What a blessing! God definitely used this past summer to teach me, mold me and bless me and I am excited to share that with the other people on my team. I am also very excited, as anyone would be, to see the children that I met this past summer.
I wanted to share with you our verse for this trip:
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 4:10-11).
We will be working through this passage while we are in the Dominican Republic in order that we would be able to maintain the proper focus and direction in-country.
In the next post I have included our prayer calendar. Please keep our team in your prayers as we make the last minute preparations and then as we leave in 11 days :).

Thank you for your love and support.