Monday, April 20, 2009

God is SOO Big!!

Praise God! This last week has been a whirlwind of blessings... Let me tell you about them! As of Thursday of last week, I am officially fully funded. That was one of the biggest worries that I had going into this summer preparations... but God had/has it under control. I also had the distinct privilege of having dinner with a lady last Wednesday that I met at the Missionary Convention in November. She has developed a curriculum for churches to use a ESL curriculum. I purchased "English Anywhere" and now I have a resource that if I needed, could use and apply to the situation in the DR. I am perfectly fine if I never take it out of my suitcase, but it is there if I need. It has been interesting how God has fulfilled these little worries... but He has also given me peace to go into the situation fully expecting for my world to be turned upside down. I also found out this past week that the girl that told me about Orphanage Outreach will actually be down there the same time that I will be. Praise God for an answer to the little bit of anxiousness of traveling by my self. Most likely we will be flying in on the same plane. God cares about the little things, which in my mind makes Him that much bigger!

Serving a big God,

Check out this weekly devotional written by Dr. John Cash (the pastor of Antioch Christian in Mississippi- one of main contributors to the ministry at Orphanage Outreach):

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Within sight

So I had a realization this week... in less than 2 months, I will be down in the Dominican Republic working with Orphanage Outreach. For so long it has simply been one of those things that is "this summer"... when people would ask me what I'm doing "this summer", I would respond with "working in the Dominican Republic with Orphanage Outreach"... and now "this summer" is a little closer. With that realization, comes excitement, anxiousness and a little bit of an overwhelming feeling. I came home this week for Spring Break and I was able to get my shots that I needed for the 3 months and I am in the process of taking the Typhoid Meds... so I should be well taken care of. It has been good to be able to relax and spend time with friends and family and to catch up on some things that need to be taken care of before I leave for the summer. I would ask that as the 2 months become 2 weeks and 2 days and finally departure day that you would continue to pray for the final preparations. Also, I need to turn in the rest of the money to Orphanage Outreach by April 27th. I am still $570 short, but I am faithful that God will provide. Thank you to all of you who have supported this ministry... I could not have done it without you. Thank you for your support and encouragement. I am blessed to have you in my life.